A lot of prepper blogs out there talk about storing information in such a fashion that you can access it easily during an emergency. One aspect of this is by printing out information from websites, blogs, etc. and keeping it in a binder. I have been doing that myself, and I discovered a wonderful browser application that helps me save the meat of a website, and eliminate the useless chaff (advertising).
Check out PrintFriendly. I find that it works for about 95% of the pages I want to be able to save. It creates a printable PDF of the page with the option to remove items. The one thing I don't care for is that on blog pages, it doesn't capture comments.
In any case, with this app I have PDF's on my computer. When I have enough articles on a particular topic to be worth printing out, I collate information into a Word document so that I can eliminate duplication, and reduce the size of the print to save space. Two sided printing also helps me save space.
My topics?
1. Clothing, and textiles (including laundry)
2. Communications
3. Food: Finding Food (foraging, hunting), Growing Food, Preserving Food, Storing Food, Preparing Food
4. Hazards, and security (include defense)
5. Health (including sanitation)
6. Heat, Fuel, Power
7. Income, Skills and Home Industry
8. Shelter (including bugging in)
9. Travel, Transportation (including bugging out)
10. Water
Where do I draw information from? Aside from the many blogs and information sites available out there, I also use the Internet Archive's Text Section to find information on how it used to be done. Currently, the archive houses digital copies of books published up to the early 50s. Another source of info is Scribd. There are a few uploaders who have collated a lot of useful information and posted it there, as well as posting the cream of the crop from the Internet Archive. I also visit thrift stores, and second-hand book stores and find treasures in print, and have scanned many of my own books so that if I can't take the paper copy with me, I still can have my library with me.